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60 years old

Alice (Profile ID: P765665) Verified Profile

Hello, my name is Alice. I'm 60 years old and live in Henan, China. I'm looking for someone aged of more than 34. In my spare time, I enjoy Cooking, Traveling, Hiking/Outdoor Activities, etc.

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My Detailed Profile

    • Year of Birth:1964
    • Zodiac:Leo
    • Weight:110 lbs (50kg)
    • Height:5'7" (170cm)
    • Smokes: Nonsmoker
    • Drinks:Never
    • English:Fair
    • Religion:None
    • Education:Master
    • Have Children:Yes
    • Profession:Clerical/Service Worker
    • Relationship Status:Divorced
  • About myself and my ideal match:

    I'm very grateful to you for stopping and reading my profile. I think some kind of fate has begun at this moment. I hope we can be each other's destiny.

    What attracted you and decided to stay for a few minutes to finish reading my profile?
    Are you surprised when you see my age?
    Are you laughing at me at this age and still want to pursue love?

    One year of love, five years of it. There was no imaginary sweetness after that, only constant quarreling and cheating. It's really hard to forget the mental and physical injuries.I was exhausted, constantly doubting and denying myself.

    A failed time told me that I were not God, and I could never change and influence a wicked person. Finally, I gave up on him and lost the courage and ability to love again.

    If it wasn't for the three-year epidemic and I experienced so many lives and deaths, I might never have a chance to forgive my past and start over.

    My best friends, closest relatives and neighbors left me forever under the attack of the epidemic. When I was infected, and my children were in other places because of the epidemic control, I knew despair for the first time.

    My whole body pained so much. I coughed all day, and felt that my lungs were about to cough up. My head was bursting with pain and my legs were weak. I didn't have the strength to cook. It took me a lot of strength to take medicine and drink water.It was the encouraging phone calls from my children that kept me going.

    After the epidemic, my family supported me to pursue love again. After a serious illness, all the past and unhappiness were taken away, leaving me reborn.

    Now I have everything, time freedom and material support. I am ready for a new life.

    There were many people who pursued me around, but none of them could tempt me. I haven't met the right person, so I have many high demands on them.

    But when I find you, I no longer have any criteria for choosing a spouse. This is the true love I want.Write me soon!
  • My interests:

    • Cooking

    • Traveling

    • Hiking/Outdoor Activities

    • Dancing

    • Reading

    • Sports/Workout

    • Music/Play Instruments

Match Q&A

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