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61 years old

Angelia (Profile ID: P781596) Verified Profile

Hello, my name is Angelia. I'm 61 years old and live in Hubei, China. I'm looking for someone aged of more than 59. In my spare time, I enjoy Music/Play Instruments, Sports/Workout, Reading, etc.

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My Detailed Profile

    • Year of Birth:1963
    • Zodiac:Aquarius
    • Weight:139 lbs (63kg)
    • Height:5'5" (164cm)
    • Smokes: Nonsmoker
    • Drinks:Never
    • English:Learning
    • Religion:None
    • Education:Master
    • Have Children:Yes
    • Profession:Upper Manag/Executive
    • Relationship Status:Divorced
  • About myself and my ideal match:

    I'm Angelia. I'm a manager of an enterprise. I work regularly every day. I go to work by car. I have a sunny and handsome son, a Doctor from University of Dusseldorf in Germany. I'm very proud of him. Because he's been abroad for a long time, he's an open-minded person, and he supports me to come here and find my love.
    In my spare time, I love traveling. i would travel twice every month, I have been to many places, what impressed me most is that once I went to a place where one foot can go to three countries, on the top of an area is only 10 square meters, with a triangular monument and every side is a country. On the way to this place, where we came to the top of the hill, there was a road which collapsed, at this time we had no chance to retreat, we had a total of four cars at the time, each car had only a driver. the rest went to walk there out of car. our car was on the mountain and half a tire hanging on the cliff to go up, just 5 meters, i was so nervous which cannot be described, because it was winter, when I got off, the inside of the clothes were all wet. It was breathtaking, but I enjoyed traveling while I was walking, and it made me get fun from it.
    At the same time, I also like photography, and my photography has been participated in the National Film Festival, I want to record where I have walked and how is the beautiful life, so every time I shoot, I will record it carefully. If you're interested, I can show you my work ^_^
    I also like to enjoy life. There is a garden in front of my house. In my spare time, I like to cut flowers, or sit down and drink tea, and sit quietly in the garden to read books, and have a pleasant afternoon.
    Because I've been to many countries, in my opinion, Westerners are more pure and simple for love. So I want to come here looking for a simple love, we can easily go to travel together, leisurely sit reading.... because I am also simple and also i am one who need love, hope you will love my self introduction, if you want to know more about me, you can write to me or chat online^_^
  • My interests:

    • Dining Out

    • Cooking

    • Traveling

    • Hiking/Outdoor Activities

    • Dancing

    • Watching Movies

    • Shopping

    • Having Pets

    • Reading

    • Sports/Workout

    • Music/Play Instruments

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